2024 FBYC Frostbite Regatta
We had great weather for the final ILCA regatta of the season at FBYC. With 10 ILCA on the line we had mostly sunny skies with winds starting in the 10-15 range and easing down to 5-8 as the day went on. The wind was out the the North so the course was set in the middle of Fishing Bay to have enough fetch, but not be so far away.

I started the first race by being early at the boat, was called over and had to go around the boat to restart. The rest of the day went a little better with mostly middle of the fleet finishes. The very competitive fleet made it so every place was hard-earned racing. Definitely enjoyed having so many people come join. Probably wasn’t my best day on the water after a very long day yesterday and an early morning today commuting to Deltaville from Richmond all weekend.

Thanks to Gene Kendall and his team for running races today.